Nos mudamos...

Os quiero comunicar que en breve, nos mudaremos de casa, de lo privado a lo público. Estaremos más expuestos, más visibles con nuestros trabajos, pero tendremos más opciones de acceder a otros niveles del arte fotográfico. Así que preparaos las maletas, todos estais invitados, que antes del verano tendremos un nuevo desafío.
I want to communicate that in brief, us mudaremos of House, from the private to the public. We will be more vulnerable, more visible to our work, but we will have more options to access other levels of photographic art. So prepare your luggage, all you are invited, that before the summer we will have a new challenge. Marcus Populus.I want to communicate that in brief, us mudaremos of House, from the private to the public. We will be more vulnerable, more visible to our work, but we will have more options to access other levels of photographic art. So prepare your luggage, all you are invited, that before the summer we will have a new challenge.

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